Buddha Hires a PR Agent

After the Buddha died his senior monks assembled to share what they had learned from their teacher. This eventually was codified in the form of chanting and after many centuries was written on dried banana leaves.

This is why the teachings (sutras) in the the Pali cannon begin with the words, “Thus have I heard….”

 I provide this background to help you understand why I begin this teaching with these words:

Thus, have I totally fabricated….

 I have several hobbies, one of which is that of a Time-Travelling Public Relations agent. My clients are individuals from the past for whom history has given a bad rap. My job is to help change their image in this century from a rather negative to a more positive image. Some of my clients include Judas Iscariot, Mary Magdalene, and Genghis Khan.

 I contacted Siddhartha Gautama and sent him my Portfolio. He seemed to be impressed. I said to him “Sid, you’ve got a real problem. He said, “Really? I haven't had a problem for over 2500 years--so what's up? I replied, “It’s not you personally, you’ve got a great image—your statues are all over the world-- but your teachings are greatly misunderstood. I thought maybe I could put a different spin on them to make them clearer to the 21st century mind. He said, “Shoot.”

 I said, “Well, the first thing people hear is ‘Life is suffering.’ Thats a real turnoff for many of us. Then we hear about impermanence, which most interpret as ‘Everything dies.’ After that they hear about No-Self which to them implies that they are nobody. If they haven’t walked out by now, they hear that nirvana means ‘to extinguish.’ So, if we endure the first three insults and practice many years of navel gazing, we may be fortunate enough to be extinguished!

 He said, “Yikes, that is a real problem!” As you know this is not what I teach.” “I know Sid, but a lot can change in 2500 years.”

So, we negotiated a contract. (By the way he drives a hard bargain!) One of the things he insisted upon--and rightly so—was that I did not change the essential meaning of his teachings. I agreed.

Here's what I proposed.

 Regarding “Life is suffering.”

·        Humans seek satisfaction from a world (the conditioned) that is incapable of providing it. Therefore, humans are chronically dissatisfied. (dukkha)

 Regarding “Impermanence.”

·        Everything in the conditioned world (i.e., within time and space) is subject to birth, death, and rebirth. (Anecia)

 Regarding “No-Self.”

·        Any sense of yourself is a construct; it is not real or permanent. That which you truly are is greater than you can imagine.

Regarding “Nirvana.”

·        The mind cannot comprehend Reality: it can only be said that you will become that Reality when clinging to this world has ceased.


·        My intention is not to revise, reform or modify the Buddha’s teachings but rather to offer the teachings in a vernacular that may facilitate deeper understanding of the Buddhadharma in the 21st Century Western world.

 I gave all of this to the Buddha.

He said he would meditate upon it for a few years and then get back to me.

I will let you know when I hear from him.

PS Please be patient! 😉